Who are we?
Anlix is a company founded by people passionate about creating and developing management, automation and monitoring platforms through software solutions.
With professionals with more than 30 years of experience in the Information Technology market, our team is always at the forefront and is a reference in the sector.
We deliver solutions that increase efficiency and reduce operating costs for broadband internet providers.
Anlix was founded in 2018 from a triple partnership.
Triple partnership
Unsatisfied with simple problems inside the customers' homes, a provider in the interior of RJ sought out telecommunications specialists and scientists.
Unsatisfied with simple problems inside the customers' homes, a provider in the interior of RJ sought out telecommunications specialists and scientists.
Anlix was born in studies of network laboratories at Land/UFRJ, and was incubated at COPPE/UFRJ.
Anlix was born in studies of network laboratories at Land/UFRJ, and was incubated at COPPE/UFRJ.
The team identified new technologies that improved the service provided to customers and presented new horizons to the market.
The team identified new technologies that improved the service provided to customers and presented new horizons to the market.
Our Mission is
To provide our customers with operational efficiency and sustainable growth of their subscriber base based on innovative solutions, thus reaching at least 30% of Competitives by the end of 2025 and selling to at least 1 new market by the end of the same year.
Provide internet providers with operational efficiency and sustainable growth of their subscriber base through innovative solutions.
Our Vision is
To be a leader and reference in management, automation, monitoring and analysis of smart devices in different markets in Brazil and around the world, optimizing the experience of people who interact with these devices.
To be a leader and reference in management, automation, monitoring and analysis in the telecommunications market in Brazil and worldwide, optimizing the broadband subscriber experience.
The brains behind the solution
Learn more about our strategic team involved in our solutions
Gaspare Bruno
With more than 30 years of experience in the Telecom market, he holds a degree in Computer Science, with a Master's degree from UFRGS and a Doctorate from COPPE/UFRJ. He received the Google Research Award Latin America for his thesis in the area of machine learning.

Bruna Almeida
Production engineer with specializations in Processes, Business Management, Marketing and Network Engineering. She has experience in essential services in various segments. Her highlight is developing high-performance teams.
Osvaldo Neto
With international experience in strategic consulting and an expert in analytical marketing, he holds a degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio, with an emphasis on prototyping scalable products.

Our Advisory Board

Jose Arnaldo Deutcher
Economist, with a PhD in Innovation Management from COPPE/UFRJ. Specialist in Business Plans for Technology Startups.

Osvaldo Lucho
Engineer from PUC-Rio, Entrepreneur from Endeavor Internacional and president of Gigalink.

Edmundo de S. e Silva
PhD from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), Prof. Holder, COPPE/UFRJ and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Richard R. Muntz
Distinguished Professor Emeritus from the Department of Computing and Prof. from the UCLA Department of Computer Science. PhD in Electronic Engineering from Princeton University and Master in Electronic Engineering from NYU.
Be part of the most innovative team in Brazil
Our country is one of the few in the world with a vast ecosystem of Telecom providers, which makes the sector constantly innovate and seek new solutions.
We, at Anlix, are always at the forefront of these innovations, seeking to increasingly improve our team of talents to offer the best solutions.