When we talk about network services, there are several factors, including managing hardware, which affect the quality of the internet service offered.

There are two indications that are related to this: the QoS and QoE. Check out this content to better understand the difference between these two terms and the importance exert on the quality offered in network services.

What is QOS and how does it work?

Qualidade do Serviço

THE initials QoS (Quality of Service) means “Service quality”, a technology that uses configuration elements of hardware (routers) to control signal speed prioritization among a group of users and devices that are consuming the connection bandwidth.

The QoS even ensures that the Wi-Fi network prioritize this signal in times of overload, where multiple devices perform transmission and download large volumes of data simultaneously.

For this, it performs the band division for all operations, ensuring that specific traffic is prioritized as per the required speed, which provides a more stable connection for all users at the same time.

This factor can be influenced by data consumption from different sources, as downloads of very large files, accesses from mobile devices, playing content from streaming in high resolution, live video streaming and even games online using an internet connection.

For example, on the same network there may be users performing different activities. While a person is watching a streaming in 4K, another may be holding a video conference. Bandwidth allocation ensures that both use the internet without crashes or poor image and audio quality.

They exist routers that already offer this function, and it can be easily configured by the user, or with the help of the contracted network provider that offers the service.

Some router models even have the automatically configured QoS function, carrying out the prioritization process on its own without the user's request, although this is not a reality present in most devices.

The solution Flashbox by Anlix, is the best option for the provider to be able to remotely manage equipment at the customers' homes, in order to provide the best internet service.

In addition to being compatible with multiple manufacturers, it offers an integrated environment to facilitate customer service. Make a quick registration and try it out in your operation!

What is QoE?

Qualidade da Experiencia

The other acronym, QoE (Quality of Experience), is translated as “Quality of Experience”, being related to how the perception of service quality by the end user and their opinion, considering the performance of the offered network (as an example, considering network QoS parameters such as packet loss, jitter, latency between others).

It is QoE that can more intelligently analyze the impact of network behavior on the end user, considering that certain overloads, however insignificant they may seem, can impair the performance of a used service or program.

For example, in an enterprise environment, a packet loss of 5% can have negligible impact on a cloud-based CRM system. A packet loss of 0.5% can result in a 30% reduction in data transfer rate.

QoE fulfills its purpose too looking at information about the data sent over the network, not just the efficiency of data transport by it. In a VoIP call, for example, QoE can analyze echo, conversation quality, audio level and imperfections in the call.

QoE is indirectly related to QoS, as the latter must be implemented correctly so that QoE metrics can also achieve good results among consumers.

Ideally, periodic checks should always be carried out to ensure that the QoE is maintaining good levels of satisfaction, allowing necessary adjustments to improve network services.

Generally, the QoE it can be measured through technical visits, telephone monitoring or through other channels between the provider and the end customer, allowing the latter to monitor the performance of the offered connection. The concepts normally used in the evaluation are between “excellent”, “good” and “bad/poor”.

the platform Flashboard by Anlix, is the best QoE measurement tool that facilitates provider decision making.

The Wi-Fi Quality Module allows the provider to anticipate potential problems by assigning a connection quality rating to each customer and each device connected to the router at the customer's home.

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With this, the provider will have an improvement in support service, which will be empowered to measure the quality of the customer experience and guarantee their satisfaction, and consequently, a reduction in service cancellation.

QoS Metrics Affecting QoE

With this direct relationship between the two terms, there are some QoS metrics that have a direct impact on the QoE metric, that is, on the final customer experience.

  1. O signal level is one of them, measuring the latency of the signal received by the devices. The higher the signal strength, the better the data transmission quality.
  2. THE wifi speed is also considered, regardless of the different standards available in Brazil (A, B, G, N and AC).
  3. THE latency is another metric that measures the amount of time a data packet takes to be sent between computers. That is, the ideal is to find the lowest possible latency rate to ensure the quality of the connection.
  4. THE latency variation is also accompanied, called "jitter" in English, which also impacts network performance and quality of use for the end customer.

Thus, even though they are different terms, QoS and QoE are linked to the maintenance of network quality, with the former focusing on the distribution of bandwidth for different demands.

QoE is related to the end customer's perception of the quality of the service provided, but both are important metrics to be monitored and developed by network providers.

Be sure to try Flashboard and all the tools that Anlix offers to optimize the operation of ISPs. Fill out a quick form below and start testing!

2025-01-08T17:39:38+00:00October 6th, 2022|

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