Nowadays, practically all processes carried out by companies involve the use of technology. To ensure the proper functioning of the entire digital structure of the business, companies with good IT infrastructure opt for NOC monitoring with professionals who work to maintain the stability and security of the system.

Check below what this strategy consists of and the benefits of adopting it in your business!

What is NOC Monitoring?

O NOC (Network Operations Center) works as a Network Operations Center, managed by professionals who monitor a given virtual environment and use technological resources (software) to detect and analyze possible problems such as failures, connection slowness, resource consumption or even security issues.

When carrying out NOC Monitoring, your company has trained professionals and a structure set up exclusively to manage your network and IT area, which guarantees quick diagnoses and solutions to maintain the company's productivity without major problems.

How does a NOC work?

Monitoramento NOC

The Network Operations Centers, which operate NOC Monitoring, work through layered analysis, which ensures that each task or problem is quickly forwarded to the responsible and most appropriate employee to resolve that issue.

The demands, whether failures or necessary tasks, are identified by the RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management). These professionals perform dedicated monitoring through software own to ensure cyber security, whether from instability or from some external threat (viruses and hackers).

As soon as it is identified, a ticket is opened and forwarded to the person responsible for the issue, solving any problems as soon as they arise in an agile way.

Although there are certain problems that arise during the monitoring, the The focus of the NOC is also to act preventively, ensuring the network is secure and stable so that a problem never happens.

As we mentioned, the NOC works in layers, which means that technical problems of low complexity, such as changing passwords, are solved by professionals of the first layer, while threats or critical problems are managed by the third layer, for example.

This layered methodology not only ensures more agility, as it allocates employees according to their current skills, which ensures that they work on tasks that most require their knowledge. They advance between layers as they evolve and develop their competencies.

Generally, issues dealt with by NOCs can be resolved by the use of software and updates performed remotely, without the physical presence of the professional. However, there is a great differentiator for those who offer local assistance, even when the customer is at a great distance from the operation center.

THE Anlix's Flashbox Solution, it is precisely a ecosystem of tools for internet providers who want to remotely manage equipment in the home of end customers with multi-brand legacy, in addition to offering an integrated environment of interfaces for excellent customer service.

Advantages of using NOC Monitoring

It is not new that companies realize the importance of performing NOC monitoring, being used more and more even by small and medium-sized companies, including internet providers.

This is due to the great advantage in getting important information about your network in real time, including points that need improvement, which saves IT professionals hours of work and makes their work more efficient.

Another benefit is that the NOC also works as a way to monitor all equipment from the network to perform updates in software and antivirus, do backups emergencies and even perform maintenance of the main systems, all in an automated way.

As mentioned, the NOC also allows professionals to detect potential problems early, acting quickly to solve them before they bring damage to your network and your data, whether of a technical nature or an external attack through viruses, malware or other type of invasion.

Another great benefit is to rest assured that a dedicated team is taking care of the entire network process, update and maintenance of its digital structure. Companies today are already computerized and operate largely with the use of technology.

With this monitoring work, they still plan and issue reports that keeps you informed about the ideal action plans for your network, ensuring that it is constantly improving.

This allows plan what improvements need to be made and helps you intelligently allocate your resources to use them in this process.

Deploying NOC Monitoring in your environment

to carry out the implementation of NOC Monitoring, first a comprehensive analysis is carried out of its networks, equipment, systems and other technological solutions used. From there, a plan is made that describes which tools are most suitable for your case, as well as the major points of attention that will be taken into account.

Understanding the scenario in depth is essential so that the Network Operations Center can integrate technologies correctly, guaranteeing a functional service that extracts the greatest amount of data possible from your operation, which allows you to issue consolidated reports that provide really useful information for the IT area.

Just having the data is not the main objective, but knowing how to analyze it correctly so that the process makes a real difference in your environment. THE continuous improvement is key here so teams can ensure the best possible performance with the fewest failures or issues.

By the way, Anlix's new tool, the Flashboard, is the decision-making tool at your provider. With it, NOC monitoring can extract and analyze essential data for the provider's operation and transform it into the best decision-making in networks.

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It is also worth checking out the video we have on our YouTube channel that deals with the use of the alarm mechanism for network teams: how can NOC Monitoring act intelligently and efficiently?

In-house or outsourced NOC?

To carry out the NOC monitoring, the responsible team can be internal in your business or hired in the outsourced model, usually working remotely.

To decide on this issue, it is important for the company's management to analyze whether the company has qualified personnel to perform the function without overloading the team that takes care of IT.

Sometimes it is more advantageous to hire the outsourced NOC monitoring service so that your IT team can keep other points of attention or projects up to date. Overloading employees with multiple functions would be disastrous for both areas, hampering task performance.

SOC associated with NOC Monitoring

A complementary strategy that has been used in association with NOC monitoring is the SOC (Security Operations Center), a strategy focused on processing company data.

This association is an interesting option because together, they improve network performance even more, since they monitor technical resources, but also maintain a constant security improvement, all proactively to avoid risks of data loss, leakage of sensitive information or system intrusions.

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2025-01-08T17:09:22+00:00March 24th, 2022|

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