In general, we know that connectivity is essential to carry out most of our day-to-day actions, especially in the work environment. For this reason, it is important to understand the concept of internet latency and how this delay can define connection quality. Check it out below:
After all, what is latency?

First of all, we can define that latency is the same as delay. However, in the case of internet latency, for example, it means the amount of delay (time) for an action to be performed and bring its result (reaction). In general, internet latency is measured in milliseconds (ms).
To better understand this concept, we just need to remember the request that a computer makes to access a website. With this example, you might think that latency tends to always be close to zero. However, we know that this is not always the case, as we often come across situations where websites and various elements take a long time to load after our request.
We have the habit of assess internet speed testing the connection on sites like SpeedTest, for example, which evaluate the connection only through the bandwidth, which is the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed period of time. However, the sensation of a fast internet is not always a consequence of this type of evaluation – latency must also be taken into account.
As a good example, we have: when accessing a website, you will need to make many calls on the web server (for example, download a series of images, icons, etc.). For each of these calls, if you have higher latency, the delay on full page load increases. The more elements, even if small, if the latency of the internet connection is a little higher, the worse the user experience will be.
Is there an optimal latency? How to ensure a better experience?

The answer to this question will depend on a few factors, and one of them is the main objective that internet browsing will demand. Some time ago, the Google revealed that the speed of response of a website, for example, is crucial to generate a good ranking in the search engine. Therefore, we understand that latency directly impacts the number of visits a brand receives on the website.
Ideally, we aim to have low latency in the last mile (which is the communication between the provider and the CPE at the user's home). It is of paramount importance to ensure a good latency rate on this route and monitor it to make sure it is at a good (low) value.
One of the features of Anlix's monitoring platform, the Flashboard, is precisely the monitoring of the latency of the entire provider's customer base.
That constant monitoring will allow the ISP to identify customers who are having a bad experience before receiving any type of complaint.
As we have seen, internet latency is related to the time required for an action to be performed. And, since its concept can be defined as “delay”, if we have a high latency on the internet, we will have difficulties to perform actions quickly in applications and services that depend on an internet connection.
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